
This wonderful old photograph of the Courthouse and Jail appears to have been taken around 1914 just prior to completion of the building project.  If you look closely at the courthouse, you can see men on scaffold working on the brickwork.


The Clerk is very interested in publishing more historical accounts and photographs from the entire parish on this website. If you have information or photos that you would like to submit please forward them to us at the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Historical Beauregard

Historical Pictures from Beauregard Parish
Sepia Sepia Photograph
   This wonderful old photograph of the Courthouse and Jail appears to have been taken around 1914...

Merryville Gunnery Range
  The range was commissioned on October 27, 1943 eight miles southeast of Merryville, approximately 20 miles...

Longville Lumber Co.
  This old photograph of the Longville Lumber Company General Store is dated in the early 1900s.   The...

Beauregard Parish Courthouse
  The Beauregard Parish Courthouse was the answer to a need for a new Parish. DeRidder beat out...

Post Office WPA Fresco
Post Office WPA Fresco, a type of painting on wet plaster, “Rural Free Deliver."    Mural in fresco style...

DeRidder's First Street School - WPA Gem
In response to the stock market crash of 1929 and the hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers,...

Neches Belle Steamboat
  The Neches Belle was a wooden hull packet paddle boat used to move cotton and wool along the...

1915 Courthouse and Jail
  This drawing came from a post card depicting the newly completed courthouse and jail.   The Clerk is...

The Clerk of Court staff are trained professionals; however, they are prohibited from giving any legal advice. Information regarding legal procedures may be obtained in any law library or by contacting an area attorney.

P. O. Box 100
DeRidder, Louisiana 70634
(337) 463-8595 - Phone
(337) 462-3916 - Fax
(337) 202-7834 - Criminal Records Fax